Friday, November 8, 2013

"Peace" with Growth and Evolution

Peace from Brito
I am grateful for the growth and self-discovery this adventure continuously offers. Letting go of all control (schedules, plans, times, etc.) and always being able to adapt and evolve to any situation with no notice has been my past week…ha, who am I kidding, my whole stint here in Nicaragua. I guess it’s just starting to hit deeper as I get more exhausted and pushed harder.  Oh, and on top of literally “going with the flow;” I’ve definitely been forced to feel and acknowledge my boundaries in terms of being pushed to accomplish the overall goal no matter what is thrown in my direction (example: typical 14 hour days with unforeseen obstacles and more “errands” to rectify situations than I can even begin to describe). Anddd, getting all of this accomplished in a country where I still don’t speak the language (trying to learn a little more everyday) and a culture that is beyond foreign to the “hustle and bustle” lifestyle Americans tend to lead… life down here is best referred to as operating on “Nica time.” With all that said, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

The most kick ass boat ever created. Literally floating on air.

The geology, geography, biology (obviously all the other ology(s)), people, lifestyle, weather and overall experience have been truly life changing. Every single moment of every single day is an adventure. I don’t really know any other way to put it. By referring to each moment as an adventure actually feels as though I am generalizing this experience and not giving it the true respect and attention it deserves, but honestly it’s not something that can possibly be articulated. This experience truly has to be felt with your heart and soul and lived with your pure self. I really believe and feel as though everything I have been through thus far in my life has had a purpose and has prepared me to appreciate the present moment of where and who I am. If you know me in any intimate capacity you know this belief in self-confidence and enjoyment I am living and feeling has been a struggle, journey and challenge (but aren’t we all facing our own battles?). Anyways, my point is that I have never felt this comfortable and confident; coincidently while being the furthest I have ever been from anything I have ever known to bring me comfort and security.

Yewwww life is truly amazing. I leave you with two quotes that have inspired me today:

#1 – A line from one of my favorite groups and songs: “What good is living the life you’ve been given if all you do is stand in place?”
# 2 - This quote was sent to me today when I was getting super squirrelly (Thank you Barb J). Today especially, it truly resonates: “People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.” –Eleanor Roosevelt
PS – 3 ½ weeks in Nicaragua with 2 ½ to go. Time has FLOWN bye. I am wowed.
Lots of peace, love and happiness...



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