Saturday, October 19, 2013

Moon and 3 day reflection over Lake Nicaragua

So life in Nicaragua has begun. Breath taking environment, howler monkeys, dead sloths, no Internet, meals consisting of chicken and rice (I broke down and ate a side salad - I got squirrelly and miss hearty greens REAL bad, so I settled for ice berg lettuce...HUGE mistake), animals not neutered (large balls, lots of them), dead computer (yep it died - only took 3 days in Nica), and muddy roads. AND...I LOVE IT. I've been without my luggage for 3 days, I was told to pack for a "day trip" which turned into a 3 day trip, so I'm officially crunchy. If I had the ocean to swim in I'd feel a bit sanitary and cleansed, but instead I walk around in rivers and wetlands getting poured on and then attempt to hand wash my smelly field clothes each night with bar soap in the sink. Lame effort...I need some laundry lessons from the locals (they always look so crisp, fresh and put together) I'm worthless without a washing machine, pathetic really. Anyways, it sounds negative, but in some ways I feel like a pig in the mud: beyond happy with a perm-a-smile. I feel so grateful to be where I am. I was talking with a friend today and we were discussing how Nica is one of the poorest countries. I told him I disagreed. My perspective is that Nica is one of the monetarily poorest countries and that's measured in American or international business terms. You rarely come across a Nicaraguan that isn't happy, positive, friendly, helpful, and doesn't love the beauty that their country has to offer. So in my opinion this place is rich in happiness. This country is simple and full of positive, even magical energy. So tonight, after finally getting Internet and reconnecting with those whom I cherish back in the States...I am appreciative of the moon (so bright and full over Ometepe and Lake Nicaragua) as well as the people that support my adventure and journey. Thank you for bringing happiness and fullness to my heart. Also, shout out to my newest niece whom I can't wait to meet -
Katie Isabell Guise, mom and baby are healthy and beautiful.
So much peace, love and happiness.

Moon over Lake Nicaragua

Two volcanoes in Lake Nicaragua (Maderas and ConcepciĆ³n)

Me being a dork on the beach in San Jorge

Typical situation :)

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