Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Magical Mayhem of Nicaragua AND The Liz Guise Show

Having the self-confidence and raw strength to believe in my intuition, capabilities, purpose, feelings and vision is the most empowering and liberating transformation I have ever experienced. Clearly it is ongoing and will continue to evolve with time and experiences. Reflecting on my life just one year ago at this time gives me reassurance that once I was able to let go of control, comfort and expectations, and open my heart and soul to being self-caring in order to pursue a life I have always dreamed, paths became available that did not exist before. I am thankful for every encounter, relationship and obstacle, because without those experiences I wouldn’t be in this exact place, at this exact moment, feeling the most amazing energies in all forms. I guess what I am trying to express is that I have found the bigger the risk the bigger the outcome; whether it be in love, life, honesty or journeys. Perspective also plays a major roll. I realize that in the past the negativity and often times pity parties were a colossal waste of beautiful energy. As soon as I changed my perspective and began truly acknowledging at the deepest level what I am feeling and learning, my life changed. I refuse to ever go back. Is it scary and down-right frightening? Absolutely. Do I miss comforts and do I have doubts? Daily. Would I change one second and do I live with regrets? No. Once I realized I was meant for something bigger than I was currently living, and that there was so much more to my life than the limits I was setting, everything became purposeful and fluid.  I appreciate all vulnerabilities and embrace the lessons those experiences are teaching me. So much peace, love and happiness is in this world, don’t waste another minute believing any differently.

Now on to more interesting events that have occurred in the past two weeks and are a product of making choices based on what feels right and taking the path of least resistance verses fighting the universe just to conform with social norms.  

A week or two ago I was somewhat displaced from my “home away from home” in Managua, and I was intending to visit some Amiga’s in Chinandega. That fell through and at the last moment (I am talking I had already committed to going north with no real place to land) friends sent me information on a place they thought I’d enjoy. So, sight unseen and not researched, I showed up and waved my ride goodbye. Let’s just say it was awesome. I met some really incredible people, experienced beautiful sights and sounds (including sunsets, bats in my cabana flying around ALL night, hammocks, roosters 24hrs a day, an estuary, securing my own coconut, and the list goes on)…

 Enjoying and working for my first fresh off the tree coconut!

My next big leap is when my first, and only visitor from the US, joined the mayhem of Nicaragua. Bless her heart, I tried my best to explain the situation, but never have I felt more truth in expressing that this place and experience is only real once you are here. Barb put all her trust and faith in me and goodness was it an absolutely amazing adventure, but one of the craziest times of my life. I decided renting a car would be the best way to get around – a country where a GPS doesn’t work, there are no road names, and maps are hard to come by. No problem, right? You can ask people along the route. However, neither of us speaks Spanish. Needless to say we made it to our destinations each night and I do feel we saw this country through our own eyes. I only got stopped four times, had to pay twice for my license back, the other two times I pulled some name dropping and put up a serious fight. We saw the calm beaches, crazy cities of Granada and Leon, experienced an active volcano that attempted to overtake us in sulfur gases as well as hiked inside a lava tube cave (easily one of the best adventures of my life). Conclusion: look at each of us now, “living and sh*t.”

Beautiful in Popoyo


Granada, with a rainbow of course

 I have found my spark in life, looking into Masaya was life changing. Some sort of energy within volcanoes that touched my heart and soul! Who cares about the sulfur gas creeping into my lungs.

Inside a lava tube cave. I AM going back and I want to go into the one that leads to the flowing lava!!

 The trusty rental car, what a leap of faith and confidence that turned out to be...

Now I am back in Nicaragua after a whirlwind visit to the States for the holidays. I was able to meet my niece, Katie, whom was born while I have been away in Nicaragua. She is truly precious.
Here’s to living the life you’ve been given. Always know anything is possible and life has so much to offer as soon as you are ready to believe it and live it honestly, confidently and respectfully.

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