Sunday, December 15, 2013

A little bit of this AND a lot of that...

A tough exterior and an open accepting interior; the direction of my intention and energy today. I must admit, a deep breath, slight smile and appreciation for the moment helps catapult an otherwise defeated soul into happiness and enjoyment. Life is so incredibly special. The universe listens. Be courageous and give respect. Pay attention to your intuition. Once I acknowledged my feelings and believed in myself - my life changed. Opportunities, people, interactions, situations; true happiness - I'm living and alive. Side note, but relivent, as a student and professional whom has crutched on the subjects of math and science, my ego thanks each and every one of you whom have supported me unknowingly and purposefully. I was hesitant to even blog/publicly write; however, I decided the day before I left for Nicaragua to try. To try and share my adventure, my evolution, my growth. Never have a felt so vulnerable, yet received so much support and confidence. The universe - giving me the boost, the tools, the energy; I'm grateful. This all sounds so deep, and feels exactly as this thought process is structured: disorganized. My time here for this first work task is coming to an end and I'm trying to reflect. A few constants: Mayhem. Opportunity. Evolution. Appreciation. Laughter - always laughter. Beauty. Challenge. Perspective. Enjoyment. 

Nicaragua is forever a part of me, providing the push I've been seeking. I'm meant for something bigger than the life I've been living. Never again will I settle or ignore. If you're reading this, know you're a part of my growth and I respect the role and impact you've had on my journey and life. I end this post with a full heart. Each person is here for a reason. Make an impact. I do appreciate you - we all have something to offer!

A political cartoon in today's newspaper -relivent  to my time here...

Sums up beach life and positive vibes

In the US this would transport animals - in Nica, different story

A Casa in old Leon, pretty interesting

Squirrelly steps to a tree house vista over looking a crystal clear water Laguna

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Two months of struggle living as a Gringo

MaƱana marks two months in Nicaragua and I'm feeling like a true defeated, exhausted, foreign gringo. Ironic based on the time and connections I've spent here; however, the lack of Spanish and white colored skin pins an unspoken bulls eye and perception of "stupid Americano girl." This frustration is not voiced to place blame, but instead to appreciate and learn moving forward in my own life. Do not assume or perceive, only base opinions on interaction and experience. Words and image mean nothing; actions speak so loud - one cannot hear a word that is being stated. I live and will continue to live this thought and lesson whole heartedly. I've spent enough time, energy and willpower accomplishing work objectives that are beyond overlooked as convenient in first world countries to feel the full effect of exhaustion and near surrender. My deepest lows, never ending days, and toughest tasks are counterbalanced with manic highs consisting of excursions experiencing the purest untouched beauty and adventures this country has to offer. For that I'm thankful. My heart and soul have felt and seen beauty I did not know existed. The few and far between days off absorbing the energy and uniqueness of Nicaraguan beaches and volcanoes are worth the mayhem and constant struggle I'm otherwise faced with 24/7. In this moment, I miss feeling as though I belong. I am tired. Tired of the struggle. To be clear - life on the coast is night and day in comparison to life in the cities and eastern Caribbean mountains of Nicaragua. Whenever I retreat to the coast I feel refreshed and re energized with excitement, innocence and joy. It's the cities and attempt for work productivity that sucks the life from you. So to conclude this rather drab and anticlimactic post, I feel so appreciative for my life, my family, my friends, my education, my opportunities, my health, my intuition and ethical being instilled within my heart and soul. I am proud of myself, my actions and the respect I've given in situations that have tested my character. I have nothing but respect for the life I have and continue to encounter. Here's to keeping on, believing in yourself and appreciating the things in your life that make your heart feel. Smile, laugh, enjoy. You only have one life to live - be strong, be brave, and live with no regrets...the jump is worth it, I promise.

Peace, love and happiness!

Some pictures of highlights in Nica are below:

Just trying to drive out east at 4am this morning

The most beautiful sunsets
Inside a lava tube cave - LOVE!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Grateful for life!

Sunset while fishing
Grateful. I'm grateful for the life I'm living and manifested. I feel as though it's only begun, but each day I wake up thirsty for more. Not in a feeding the adrenaline way - more in a "what does this day have to offer for me to feel, grow and evolve." I feel incredibly open to whatever comes along and it's empowering. On another note, I rarely get sick and have been uncharacteristically fighting off a sinus-chest situation for almost a week. Other than one day in which non-existent energy forced me to spend a day in bed sleeping, I've taken this experience as a positive challenge. Meaning, to be sick gives me an opportunity to listen to my body as well as recognize and acknowledge tendencies during a time of weakness. It's been an eye opening experience and although I REALLY hope I'm able to fight this off soon, I'm grateful for knowing with a little support from long distance friends, I'm capable of feeling defeated and exhausted in a totally foreign place and still have enough strength and perseverance to keep on. With that, I've thoroughly enjoyed a few days off after a week of work and preparation for my last work task in Nica before returning back to the States for the holidays. I visited Masaya with its undeniable energy as well as explored the neighboring dormant volcano. I hiked up and then volcanoe-boarded down Volcan Cerronegro (epic), surfed as much as the tides would allow, yoga'd (first time getting into WildThing pose and which is now an instant favorite), went fishing (caught a barracuda and then ate my catch via ceviche the next day), Tona'd, laughed, bonfired (awesome under the night sky on the beach in Nica!!!) and read - a lot in a hammock.

Hiking up to volcano board
I made it!

After surfing

Watching the sunset

Fishing round two

I've met some really incredible people along the way and I am constantly reassured I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, doing exactly what I'm destined to be experiencing. Life has so much joy, adventure, laughter and happiness to offer. Be brave, strong and confident. Have conversations and share feelings. If you feel it acknowledge it. Share an energy that's contagious and other like-minded people will find their way to you. Opportunities will be created. Live respectfully and you will be treated with respect. Give what you deserve in return. I truly believe these things within my soul and intend to continue to inspire, evolve, experience and laugh - always laugh. Peace, love and happiness!

Hiking around Masaya

Pretty unreal

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Magical Mayhem of Nicaragua AND The Liz Guise Show

Having the self-confidence and raw strength to believe in my intuition, capabilities, purpose, feelings and vision is the most empowering and liberating transformation I have ever experienced. Clearly it is ongoing and will continue to evolve with time and experiences. Reflecting on my life just one year ago at this time gives me reassurance that once I was able to let go of control, comfort and expectations, and open my heart and soul to being self-caring in order to pursue a life I have always dreamed, paths became available that did not exist before. I am thankful for every encounter, relationship and obstacle, because without those experiences I wouldn’t be in this exact place, at this exact moment, feeling the most amazing energies in all forms. I guess what I am trying to express is that I have found the bigger the risk the bigger the outcome; whether it be in love, life, honesty or journeys. Perspective also plays a major roll. I realize that in the past the negativity and often times pity parties were a colossal waste of beautiful energy. As soon as I changed my perspective and began truly acknowledging at the deepest level what I am feeling and learning, my life changed. I refuse to ever go back. Is it scary and down-right frightening? Absolutely. Do I miss comforts and do I have doubts? Daily. Would I change one second and do I live with regrets? No. Once I realized I was meant for something bigger than I was currently living, and that there was so much more to my life than the limits I was setting, everything became purposeful and fluid.  I appreciate all vulnerabilities and embrace the lessons those experiences are teaching me. So much peace, love and happiness is in this world, don’t waste another minute believing any differently.

Now on to more interesting events that have occurred in the past two weeks and are a product of making choices based on what feels right and taking the path of least resistance verses fighting the universe just to conform with social norms.  

A week or two ago I was somewhat displaced from my “home away from home” in Managua, and I was intending to visit some Amiga’s in Chinandega. That fell through and at the last moment (I am talking I had already committed to going north with no real place to land) friends sent me information on a place they thought I’d enjoy. So, sight unseen and not researched, I showed up and waved my ride goodbye. Let’s just say it was awesome. I met some really incredible people, experienced beautiful sights and sounds (including sunsets, bats in my cabana flying around ALL night, hammocks, roosters 24hrs a day, an estuary, securing my own coconut, and the list goes on)…

 Enjoying and working for my first fresh off the tree coconut!

My next big leap is when my first, and only visitor from the US, joined the mayhem of Nicaragua. Bless her heart, I tried my best to explain the situation, but never have I felt more truth in expressing that this place and experience is only real once you are here. Barb put all her trust and faith in me and goodness was it an absolutely amazing adventure, but one of the craziest times of my life. I decided renting a car would be the best way to get around – a country where a GPS doesn’t work, there are no road names, and maps are hard to come by. No problem, right? You can ask people along the route. However, neither of us speaks Spanish. Needless to say we made it to our destinations each night and I do feel we saw this country through our own eyes. I only got stopped four times, had to pay twice for my license back, the other two times I pulled some name dropping and put up a serious fight. We saw the calm beaches, crazy cities of Granada and Leon, experienced an active volcano that attempted to overtake us in sulfur gases as well as hiked inside a lava tube cave (easily one of the best adventures of my life). Conclusion: look at each of us now, “living and sh*t.”

Beautiful in Popoyo


Granada, with a rainbow of course

 I have found my spark in life, looking into Masaya was life changing. Some sort of energy within volcanoes that touched my heart and soul! Who cares about the sulfur gas creeping into my lungs.

Inside a lava tube cave. I AM going back and I want to go into the one that leads to the flowing lava!!

 The trusty rental car, what a leap of faith and confidence that turned out to be...

Now I am back in Nicaragua after a whirlwind visit to the States for the holidays. I was able to meet my niece, Katie, whom was born while I have been away in Nicaragua. She is truly precious.
Here’s to living the life you’ve been given. Always know anything is possible and life has so much to offer as soon as you are ready to believe it and live it honestly, confidently and respectfully.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Thank You Muchas Gracias

It is amazing what alone time can do to rejuvenate the mind, body and soul. My hermit tendencies are an essential aspect of my Being. Thank you Nicaragua for this confirmed revelation. My previous post was rushed and a compilation of word vomit; my last ditch effort to somehow have a written record of a weeks worth of crazy adventures squeezed amidst 14 hour work days. Yesterday, after a blitzkrieg morning on autopilot, I retired to my hotel bed around 2pm and stayed there for 19 hours. Only getting up to use the bathroom and order dinner - delivered to my room of course. Today, after another crazy morning of work, I went for a long run followed by yoga in my room. Now I sit alone, drinking a glass of wine, listening to music, reading Absolutely On Purpose, and absorbing the energy of this restaurant (El Tercer Ojo) and most importantly this exact moment in my life. Less than 24 hrs ago I was feeling broken and over-used. An intention of mindful reconnection with ones Self has truly provided an unexplainable shift in perspective and energy. I feel grateful, happy and open. All smiles.


On another note, contemplation, thought and energy have been projected towards understanding my unquenchable need and desire for adventure, experience, and freedom. There's a fire within my soul, my whole Being, that continuously expands my vision of possibilities. Thank you Holly Beck for introducing me to the saying and therefore meaning of, "Anything is possible." That has changed my life, truly. I've listened and felt the extreme moments of euphoria followed closely by hardship. With those experiences, this adventure has thus far reaffirmed my need to "continue and keep on." Continue to laugh so hard my belly hurts, continue to clasp my hands together to find stillness from adrenaline and fear, continue to let go of control and schedule, continue to smile and project positivity no matter the situation or obstacle, continue to bow my head in exhaustion and allow tears to fall to release the utmost feeling of complete defeat, continue to be vulnerable and confident with that state, and and to continue to absorb energy, knowledge and experiences. Thank you life, thank you universe, thank you food and water, thank you to all whom have helped me find the inner confidence and self love I've lacked for far too long.

Tree along the drive to Momotombo
View from Tree House

Some food for thought: never doubt yourself. Never doubt a decision or choice - it's the choice you made, so it is correct. "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, and live the life you have imagined" - Henry David Thoreau
We are all here to be a part of one another. Be kind, because it feels correct to be kind. So much love and gratitude to all whom have touched my life and my heart. I appreciate you.

Laguna at Momotombo
Laguna at Momotombo

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Momotombo and lots of driving

Two things I have recently learned: Every day (or every few days – realistically) I want to do something that frightens me (just a LITTLE, so my heart races and I become a little braver) and volcanoes are amazing.

My most recent excursions have consisted of visits to Momotombo, Momotombito, and all the beauty and awesomeness around that area. It’s hard to truly explain the fun and craziness that I have had, other than my heart and soul are so happy.

Before the attempt to drive up the side of Momotombo

I attempted to drive up the side of Momotombo by paying a security guard 100 Cordoba. Pretty squirrelly situation. Needless to say, after driving up stream beds, past aloe plants, other plants not to be “identified”, and some of the wildest squirrelly situations, the route was blocked by a tree which had been struck by lightning the day before. I definitely was beyond nervous and felt the adrenaline pumping. WORTH IT! After a 10 point turn, we safely made it back to the bottom and clearly stopped to take some epic pictures along the way.

Tree along Momotombo
Another excursion consisted of exploring the Laguna below Momotombo. That was an experience in itself. We had to pay 50 Cordoba to a local landowner and ended up hiking down a pretty steep hill. The terrain is all volcanic rock, so super super slippery and of course I was wearing sandals. Anyways, the Laguna was unreal…unlike anything I have ever seen or experienced. It was completely secluded and there wasn’t road access. It was crystal clear water, silent and void of any human life. UNREAL.  The Laguna Masaya is supposed to be similar to the one I visited, except there are restaurants and touristy things to do there. Anyways, the hike back to the car was beyond amusing. I almost lost my Amigo, he had to stop twice because “his heart was beating in his head and he couldn’t breathe.” I have never laughed so hard. I have also visited Old Leon as well as Old Managua.
Old Managua

The past two days have been 8-10 hours worth of driving due to round trips far out east. I am pretty tired, but the experiences are beyond worth it. This world and life has so much to offer. Anyways, five more days of work – then the real Nica exploring and adventuring begins!!! Oh, and now, I am staying through December 18th…maybe I will just buy some land and take up residency in Nica?! Anything is possible. Peace and Love!

San Miguelito
The moon is pretty special down here

Friday, November 8, 2013

"Peace" with Growth and Evolution

Peace from Brito
I am grateful for the growth and self-discovery this adventure continuously offers. Letting go of all control (schedules, plans, times, etc.) and always being able to adapt and evolve to any situation with no notice has been my past week…ha, who am I kidding, my whole stint here in Nicaragua. I guess it’s just starting to hit deeper as I get more exhausted and pushed harder.  Oh, and on top of literally “going with the flow;” I’ve definitely been forced to feel and acknowledge my boundaries in terms of being pushed to accomplish the overall goal no matter what is thrown in my direction (example: typical 14 hour days with unforeseen obstacles and more “errands” to rectify situations than I can even begin to describe). Anddd, getting all of this accomplished in a country where I still don’t speak the language (trying to learn a little more everyday) and a culture that is beyond foreign to the “hustle and bustle” lifestyle Americans tend to lead… life down here is best referred to as operating on “Nica time.” With all that said, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

The most kick ass boat ever created. Literally floating on air.

The geology, geography, biology (obviously all the other ology(s)), people, lifestyle, weather and overall experience have been truly life changing. Every single moment of every single day is an adventure. I don’t really know any other way to put it. By referring to each moment as an adventure actually feels as though I am generalizing this experience and not giving it the true respect and attention it deserves, but honestly it’s not something that can possibly be articulated. This experience truly has to be felt with your heart and soul and lived with your pure self. I really believe and feel as though everything I have been through thus far in my life has had a purpose and has prepared me to appreciate the present moment of where and who I am. If you know me in any intimate capacity you know this belief in self-confidence and enjoyment I am living and feeling has been a struggle, journey and challenge (but aren’t we all facing our own battles?). Anyways, my point is that I have never felt this comfortable and confident; coincidently while being the furthest I have ever been from anything I have ever known to bring me comfort and security.

Yewwww life is truly amazing. I leave you with two quotes that have inspired me today:

#1 – A line from one of my favorite groups and songs: “What good is living the life you’ve been given if all you do is stand in place?”
# 2 - This quote was sent to me today when I was getting super squirrelly (Thank you Barb J). Today especially, it truly resonates: “People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.” –Eleanor Roosevelt
PS – 3 ½ weeks in Nicaragua with 2 ½ to go. Time has FLOWN bye. I am wowed.
Lots of peace, love and happiness...



Friday, November 1, 2013

Gringo Everything

Life in Nica is finally starting to feel real. The newness and adrenaline of a different country, culture, and opportunity is fading. I'm starting to find my routines and actually didn't say "bonito" nonstop today when passing the multiple volcanoes while cruising from town to town. To be clear, I'm blown away and feel incredibly open and appreciative of each and every adventure; however, I feel like an adult (maybe my 8yr old self verses 3yr old), and not totally squirrelly - like a kid in a candy store.



Other exciting news, I got my first few days off since arriving in Nica over two weeks ago. I spent my time at El CocoLoco with some Amiga's I connected with through Surf with Amigas (still recommend doing it, if you're even thinking of it, stop thinking and just commit!). I can't quit explain how awesome it was to see familiar faces and have a bit of comfort. Also, the food was awesome, walking barefoot with my gringo footsies was killer, the surf stellar, hammock time my favorite, and I got to experience baby turtles. The perfecto few days off to recharge if you ask me. Most importantly I had some down time which gave me the opportunity to think and reflect. Honestly, I don't miss "home." I feel a little lost in terms of what that feeling truly means, but I am solid in knowing I'm destined for adventuring and experiencing beauty beyond words. I've been pretty hell bent on independence and confidently knowing I don't need anyone or anything except true love and respect for myself to be happy; but I had a serious realization surfing alone around sunrise this morning. Brandi Carlile says it best: "All of these lines across my face, Tell you the story of who I am, So many stories of where I've been, And how I got to where I am, But these stories don't mean anything, When you've got no one to tell them to."


So, after all the craziness my life has been these past 6 months which lead me to this moment and this experience, I'd say I'm grateful. I'm grateful for the people currently in my life in which I get to share my experiences with. (Huge shout out to beach4barb, FaceTime for life laaaaady)! Thank you awesome people, I'm stoked on life :)
Lots of love and happiness!

Kissing the cutest thing ever...BABY TURTLES!

Seriously one of the most adorable things I have been a part of...releasing baby turtles :)